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编者按:为庆祝新中国成立70周年,江苏国际频道联合荔枝新闻、我苏网特别策划《环球视野看江苏——Top Talk》高端系列访谈。12位来自全球各领域的企业高管、各国政府官员、驻沪总领事、行业专家、知名学者等,讲述他们眼中江苏乃至中国的喜人变化,畅谈全球与江苏的友好合作,展望江苏蓬勃发展的美好前景。
自4月29日起,每周一、三、五晚推出,一起聆听“TOP TALK”,了解世界如何读懂江苏!
本期嘉宾:Dr. Andreas Risch 菲特(中国)制药科技有限公司 总经理
Dr. Andreas Risch(安睿史博士)已经在中国生活了十余年。菲特(中国)制药科技有限公司2004年进驻南京,总公司德国菲特具有百余年历史,是世界制药压片行业龙头企业。菲特中国在经过14年的发展之后,已成为该集团全球最成功的子公司之一。
《环球视野看江苏——TOP TALK》第五期,我们邀请到菲特(中国)制药科技有限公司总经理安睿史博士,请他聊聊对城市可持续发展的见解,听听他对江苏和中国人民的祝愿。
在江苏 深感变化巨大
“I live in China since 10 years in different areas in Shanghai, Tianjin and now in Nanjing, which I appreciate very much because it's a great city and a great province and we also have a lot of good people here.” Witnessing the progress and development of China in the past decade, Dr. Andreas Risch couldn’t help exclaiming that “I think it’s the development that drives people to move on, China is a country which didn’t stop, slow down in growth, I think it’s healthy. Because also the people need to get acquainted with the changes and focus on doing the sustainable tremendous growth, compared to other economies. If you see the environment getting better and better, if you get to the street and see the infrastructure better than other countries, this is tremendous success, tremendous growth. I have seen this with astonishment and appreciation.”
According to Dr. Andreas Risch, the sustainable development of China has started very successfully, and he hopes that it would continue at a healthy growth. China has been making efforts to continue the approach of the environment protections to make sure people have clean air and clean water. Dr. Andreas Risch hopes that the government will not lose attention and will continue on the path. Meanwhile, the health care and medication industries in China are improving very swiftly and will also enjoy a better future, according to Dr. Andreas Risch.
To Dr. Andreas Risch, China is “improving, people and fast”. He explains that China is really improving at a sustainable level, and China is just faster than other countries and really going as a nation, as a country in one direction.
In the next ten years, Dr. Andreas Risch sincerely hopes that “I could have my teams contribute more to the pharmaceutical industry”, and would like to see “a greater and more successful China with a sustainable and healthy growth in business and good development for people and environment”.
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(江苏国际频道记者/齐道政 张警 周恬田 我苏网编辑/钱薇)