点击收看《环球视野看江苏——Top Talk》第四集↑
编者按:为庆祝新中国成立70周年,江苏国际频道联合荔枝新闻、我苏网特别策划《环球视野看江苏——Top Talk》高端系列访谈。12位来自全球各领域的企业高管、各国政府官员、驻沪总领事、行业专家、知名学者等,讲述他们眼中江苏乃至中国的喜人变化,畅谈全球与江苏的友好合作,展望江苏蓬勃发展的美好前景。
自4月29日起,每周一、三、五晚推出,一起聆听“TOP TALK”,了解世界如何读懂江苏!
本期嘉宾:Daniel Andrews 澳大利亚维多利亚州州长
4月28日,刚刚参加完在北京举办的第二届“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛的维州州长Daniel Andrews(丹尼尔·安德鲁斯)来到江苏,与江苏省委副书记、省长吴政隆共同启动了庆祝省州结好40周年系列活动。启动仪式结束后,安德鲁斯接受了我们的独家专访。
《环球视野看江苏Top Talk》第四集,我们便以此为契机,同维州州长安德鲁斯一起谈谈维州同江苏40年的友好往来。
This is the third time for Andrews to come to Jiangsu as the Premier of Victoria. "It's a beautiful place and a place where we have such strong links." Daniel Andrews said that Jiangsu Province is one of China’s main economic powerhouses, the center of growth and a model for the economic reform and opening up. "Forty years of history, not just a partnership, but a true friendship," said him.
Daniel Andrews first visited Jiangsu in 2013. He visited Suzhou Industrial Park and Monash University-Southeast University Joint Research Institute (Suzhou). "Their partnership with Southeast University is very important to us, not just as a premier of Victoria, but if I can be a little bit proud as a graduate of Monash University."
As the first and the only Sino-foreign cooperative graduate school approved by the Chinese Ministry of Education, the joint research institute is expected to have 1,500 postgraduates (1,000 for master's degree and 500 for doctor's degree) in 2019.
"Those people forty years ago who determined that this should be a sister state relationship. They are very wise, I think." Andrews said that Victoria and Jiangsu share many similarities. In terms of these similarities, Victoria and Jiangsu become more and more closely linked over the last forty years.
In October 2018, Victorian government and China's National Development and Reform Commission signed the memorandum of understanding (MoU) on the Belt and Road Initiative. Victoria became the first state government in Australia to formally join the "Belt and Road" Initiative.
"I think doing business with Australia, it begins in Melbourne, it begins in Victoria." Andrews said this when talking about Victoria's role in China-Australia cooperation. "The B&R is a very important part of our partnership. And we think Victoria is the gateway for belt and road cooperation between China and Australia as well as education, export, trade, but all those people-to-people and cross-cultural links as well."
"We signed on because we know that this is a key priority of President Xi Jinping. We think there are some great opportunities as well for Victoria to be partnering that all side." Andrews believes that a stronger and more prosperous relationship with China can only be made by realizing the importance of B&R Initiative.
2019 marks the 40th anniversary of the sister relations between Jiangsu and Victoria. The launching ceremony on April 28th kicked off a series of celebration activities between Jiangsu and Victoria. From May to November, the two sides will carry out a series of celebration activities in 11 sectors, including trade, science and technology, education, culture, sports and health, according to Daniel Andrews.
"So there's a big program of events because forty years is a very special birthday." Andrews said that so much has changed over forty years. "40 years of opening up of China; 40 years of economic development here in Jiangsu; 40 years of progress; and we've become closer, I think, over that 40-year period."
Andrews first mentioned the Jiangsu-Victoria executive leadership program. In 2017, nearly 20 senior executive leaders of Victoria state government came to Jiangsu from Melbourne to participate in the program. "This year, all the senior executive from the Jiangsu Provincial Government will be traveling to Melbourne to meet with their counterparts. We will have the 17th joint economic committee meeting. That will happen in Melbourne in November."
"There's a whole range of exchange programs as well, whether it be in the health sector, education and young people." Andrews also mentioned the Hamer scholarship of the Victoria state government when introducing the programs. The Victorian government launched the Hamer scholarship in 2012 to help Victorian citizens to study Chinese language and culture in Jiangsu for half a year. By 2018, more than 130 people from all walks of life in Victoria have studied in Jiangsu with the scholarship.
"I just met with a group of young Hamer scholars who are here for twelve months learning Chinese, getting their language proficiency out." Andrews believes that studying in Jiangsu will be a great gift to them and will make bilateral cooperation stronger in the future.
"Sport can be a great vehicle to come closer, to be even better friends." In May, the Southeast Melbourne Phoenix Basketball Team will accompany Martin Pakula, Minister for Tourism, Sport and Major Events in his visit to Jiangsu and have a friendship match with Jiangsu Dragons Kentier Team.
"We have nearly 100,000 students, about 90,000 students from China in our state. Many come from Jiangsu province." Andrews believes that cooperation in education sector could give students a first-hand experience of the importance of the China-Australia relationship. In 2019, the two sides will continue to organize annual exchange programs such as "Victoria Youth Leadership Program", "Discover Jiangsu · Victorian Young Leaders to China Program", "Jiangsu University Students in Victoria Program", "Jiangsu Teachers in Victoria Program" and "Jiangsu-Victoria Forum on Primary and Secondary School Presidents".
As the first overseas state to legalize traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), Victoria has always been in the forefront of TCM cooperation. In 2010, Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine and RMIT University jointly established the world's second Confucius institute of TCM. The China-Australia (Melbourne) TCM center was established in 2015 by Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine in collaboration with AEMG and RMIT. This year, the two sides will launch the third phase of the implementation plan.
"If greater partnership between western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine, particularly given we've got that strong regulatory framework and a strong background. I think there's enormous opportunities. "Andrews said.
In addition, the two sides will hold the 4th Jiangsu - Victoria Mayoral Dialogue, prepare to implement the second phase of Jiangsu-Victoria joint research program, and hold the 2019 Melbourne · Jiangsu book fair and other activities.
True Friendship (真挚的友谊)
在采访的尾声,记者请安德鲁斯用一个词语来形容江苏和维州的友好省州关系,安德鲁斯立马说出了true friendship(真挚的友谊)这个词。事实上,在采访过程中,安德鲁斯也多次提到这个词。“这是因为四十年来,我们一直在努力发展相互尊重、相互理解的关系。这是非常重要的。没有这种理解和尊重,就不会有共同利益。”
At the end of the interview, Andrews was asked to use one word or phrase to describe the relations between Jiangsu and Victoria. Andrews quickly speak out the phrase "true friendship". In fact, he mentioned the word several times during the interview. "True friendship, and that comes from the fact that over forty years we've worked very hard to develop the mutual respect, the mutual understanding. That is absolutely critical. Without that understanding and respect, there can be no mutual benefit."
Referring to the 70th anniversary of the founding of People’s Republic of China, Andrews said that 70th anniversary is a very important milestone.This year also coincides with the 40th anniversary of the sister relations between Jiangsu and Victoria. So it is a significant year for both sides. "The relationship between Victoria and Jiangsu, Victoria and China, Australia and China is not just about trade, is not just about products. It's about partnership and it's about trust."
Andrews said that he could proudly say that the relationship between Jiangsu and Victoria is stronger than ever before. "That's not by accident. This is achieved through hard work and through the fact that we understand each other, we have a respect for each other, and we slice many of the same challenges. So we are working together. We can all benefit."
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(江苏国际频道记者/吴彬 王荣 张超 周恬田 我苏网编辑/钱薇)