Cities unite to seek historic status for Maritime Silk Route

2019年05月14日 11:49:54 | 来源

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  Representatives of 26 cities from across China gathered in Nanjing Monday to rally for their bid to seek UNESCO World Heritage status for the ancient Maritime Silk Route.

  Five cities from Jiangsu are on the alliance, including Nanjing, Yangzhou, Suzhou, Lianyungang and Nantong.

  Yangzhou was once the largest port for exporting Chinas porcelain. Suzhou is the capital of silk. Haizhou Bay of Lianyungang is the starting point of the eastern route of the Silk Road in the Sui and Tang dynasties. a large number of cultural heritages have been unearthed at the remains of Nantong Guoqing Temple to witness the history of exchanges between China and foreign countries.

  The State Administration of Cultural Heritage of China has identified the site of the Nanjing Longjiang Shipyard, Tomb of the King of Boni, Tomb of Zheng He and Tomb of Hong Bao as cultural heritage sites.

  Macao and Changsha became the 25th and 26th city of the alliance at the joint meeting held Monday in Nanjing.

  A three-year action plan was passed at the meeting to rally support for the cities application.
