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编者按:为庆祝新中国成立70周年,江苏国际频道联合我苏网、荔枝新闻特别策划《环球视野看江苏——Top Talk》高端系列访谈。12位来自全球各领域的企业高管、各国政府官员、驻沪总领事、行业专家、知名学者等,讲述他们眼中江苏乃至中国的喜人变化,畅谈全球与江苏的友好合作,展望江苏蓬勃发展的美好前景。
自4月29日起,每周一、三、五晚推出,一起聆听“TOP TALK”,了解世界如何读懂江苏!
本期嘉宾:Israel Saraiva 葡萄牙驻沪总领事
Israel Saraiva,中文名伊萨瓦,是于去年9月履新的葡萄牙驻上海总领事。今年4月,伊萨瓦总领事第一次来到南京,他对江苏人民的热情好客表示感谢,同时他也表达了希望从各个方面加强葡萄牙与江苏省的双边合作的愿景。
《环球视野看江苏——TOP TALK》第十期,我们邀请到伊萨瓦总领事,听他谈一谈他眼中的江苏以及与江苏开展多方合作的期待。
中葡建交40周年 两国关系历久弥新
如果从1513年葡萄牙商人首次来华开始算起,中葡交往已有500多年的历史。1979年中葡正式建交后,伴随着高层互访,两国关系历久弥新。今年是中葡建交40周年,从2018年年初起,中国与葡萄牙就举办了一系列文化交流活动, “东风西韵——紫禁城与海上丝绸之路”展、中葡建交40周年纪念邮票和首日封发行仪式等活动,都为中葡建交40周年献礼。今年4月,葡萄牙共和国总统马塞洛·雷贝洛·德索萨对中国进行国事访问,希望中葡双方能借此契机在经济和贸易领域寻求更多的合作发展,促进中葡两国企业间的互通往来和进一步的深化交流。
China and Portugal have shared a long relationship of 500 years from the time Portuguese first arrived in China in 1513.
After the establishment of diplomatic relations between the People’s Republic of China and Portugal, back in 1979, and the exchange of high-level visits, the relations between China and Portugal are today at its best.
China and Portugal have held a series of cultural exchanges since the beginning of 2019 to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of Sino-Portuguese Diplomatic Relations, including the Forbidden City and the Maritime Silk Road exhibition, the issuing of commemorative stamps with the first day cover to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Portugal and China.
This April, the President of the Portuguese Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, paid a State Visit to China certain that China and Portugal will take this opportunity to seek more cooperation and development in the economic and trade fields and promote exchanges between Chinese and Portuguese enterprises.
In Mr. Saraiva’s view, investment, trade and tourism are significant driven forces for further strengthening the relations between the two countries.
“We are celebrating in 2019 the 40th anniversary of the diplomatic relations between the People's Republic of China and Portugal. Therefore, it is indeed a very important year which has been and will continue to be marked by various celebrations along the year, not only in Beijing but also in Shanghai and, hopefully, in Jiangsu Province. ” , said Mr. Saraiva.
This March, the Consulate General of Portugal presented the audience with a trio of virtuosos Portuguese artists at the Shanghai Oriental Art Centre; and more recently, the Consuls generals of Portugal and Brasil have organized “The First Portuguese Speaking Countries Festival” that took place from 2 to 5 May at the Fosun Foundation. Both events were massively attended by a very interested Chinese audience.
“葡萄牙一直以来都与江苏享有很好的双边合作关系”, 伊萨瓦总领事说,“在商业、经贸以及文化领域都有非常好的交流和合作。双方政府也经常开展交流与合作,互相借鉴发展的经验。”
“我不仅期待中葡两国之间能够开展更多的合作与交流,我也希望在我的任期之内,能够看到江苏与葡萄牙之间有更多的交流与合作。我会尽我所能,为促进双边关系贡献力量”。 伊萨瓦总领事说。
“My country, Portugal, is very committed to engaging in all areas with the Jiangsu government, be it commercial, economic and financial, but also on the cultural sphere and therefore by sharing further experiences between our two countries.” Said Mr. Saraiva.
Mr. Saraiva stated that Jiangsu is a very dynamic Province, a very important Province indeed for Portuguese investors, as it is equally important to attract investments to Portugal from Jiangsu Province. “What I am expecting not only today, but during all my assignment as Consul General of Portugal also to Jiangsu Province, is to attract Chinese investment from your very dynamic province to Portugal.”
Mr. Saraiva is looking forward to strengthening the cooperation between China and Portugal, but also between Jiangsu province and Portugal over the years and “my mission is to help in that endeavor”, he said.
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(江苏国际频道记者/齐道政 吴彬 王荣 周恬田 我苏网编辑/钱薇)