Juicy Hai’an peaches harvested

2019年06月16日 11:17:35 | 来源:en.nantong.gov.cn

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  A proud farmer shows off her freshly picked peaches on June 12. [Photo/IC]

  A contented farmer harvests his peaches in Dagong town in Hai'an, Nantong, a city in eastern China's Jiangsu province, on June 12. In recent years, Dagong town has actively developed itself as fruit-producing center in Jiangsu Province, adjusting its economy to respond to the market demand for fresh fruit. While consolidating its existing industrial base, the town has developed a new high-quality fruit industry, promoted the development of leisure agriculture and sightseeing agriculture to promote rural tourism and the rural economy. The town's orchards now cover more than 33 hectares. It is estimated that one Chinese mu, or 0.066 of a hectare, now brings in an average income of over 30,000 yuan ($4,336) per mu, and the new industry has led to 2,000 job positions in the town.

  (source by en.nantong.gov.cn)
