Jiangsu celebrates CPC’s 98th founding anniversary

2019年07月02日 14:15:59 | 来源:ourjiangsu.com

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  East Chinas Jiangsu province celebrated on Monday the 98th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China in a variety of ways.


  More than 400 CPC members of the Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism visited the Yuhuatai Martyrs Cemetery in Nanjing to get inspiration and encouragement from the historical photos and revolutionary heritages.


  The Party members of the department of natural resources and environment at all levels in the province exchanged ideas on daily operations so as to better serve the people.


  The Party members in the province relived revolutionary stories by visiting the Shajiabang Revolutionary Base in Changshu, the Qu Qiubai Memorial Hall in Changzhou and the New Fourth Army Memorial Museum in Jurong to express their determination to stay true to the Partys founding mission.  


  Series performances were organized in Huaian, Suqian, Nantong and many other places across the province to sing high of the gratitude and appreciation towards the Party.


  Nearly 100 CPC members in Lianyungang city volunteered to make blood donation.


  1000 sports enthusiasts in Xuzhou city went on a jogging trip to sing high of the better life and express their deep feelings for the party and the motherland

  Party members of the Provincial Salt Industry Group shared the party building cases to bear in mind the glorious mission entrusted to the party members in the era.

  Yangzijiang Pharmaceutical Group held an oath-swearing ceremony on Monday when more than 100 Party members wore party emblems and faced the bright red flag of the CPC.
