编者按:2020年开年以来,新冠病毒疫情牵动着全球人民的心。在中国疫情防控的关键时刻,世界各地国际友人心中有何感受,对武汉、对中国想说些什么?我苏网联合江苏国际频道推出“We Stand with YOU” (和你在一起)系列报道,倾听他们的心声。
Frank Hossack 《南京人》杂志主编
不久前,中央广播电视总台推出了“新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎防护措施线路图”。该图的特殊之处便是用地铁线路来介绍新冠病毒防护措施。这张有趣的图片很快吸引了《南京人》杂志的主编贺福(Frank Hossack)的注意。他将这幅图片制作成了下面右边的英文版,并放在了相关的海外网站上,引起了很大反响。
"In English, we have an expression - a picture paints a thousand words," Frank Hossack said. "And this is a really good example of using different formats to help spread the message of epidemic prevention."
As a media practitioner, Frank also joined the fight against the epidemic by continuously updating information about novel coronavirus to foreigners living in Nanjing and Jiangsu.
"For Nanjinger, an English platform for Nanjing," Frank said, "I think we have certain responsibilities to help inform the foreign community as to the coronavirus and the implications."
The Nanjinger is a monthly publication that debuted in October 2010 and now distributed to more than one hundred foreign frequented locations around Nanjing. The Nanjinger is Nanjing's first English language publication written by local foreigners and aimed at westerners and Chinese who have returned from abroad.
Born in Scotland, the UK, Frank's writings have always had some English humor. In his article about the "Living with the Coronavirus" roadmap, he wrote the following words in the first paragraph:
We are told we should not take public transportation and we are very aware of that temperature check when entering the metro. None of that, however, has stopped CCTV from creating a coronavirus infographic that takes the form of a metro map.
In addition to updating information about the epidemic, Frank and his wife also made posters of "Prevention of Novel Coronavirus" in English, helping foreigners living in the neighborhood to get informed with preventative measures.
"I think the reaction of the authorities both in Nanjing, Jiangsu, and all of China have been nothing less than miraculous," Frank said. "I'm convinced that only China could master an effort of this sort. And it's double impressive to see every possible means available to help get the message cross and to help prevent the spread of the epidemic."
"I believe strongly that we will overcome, we will prevail and we will defeat the novel coronavirus in time," Frank said.
"And that time probably is not so far way because of the enormous efforts made not only by the authorities but by the individuals as well," Frank said.