中国可以,意大利也可以!南京这位意大利籍厨师为家乡鼓劲|We Stand with YOU

2020年03月13日 19:40:20 | 来源

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  编者按:2020年开年以来,新冠病毒疫情牵动着全球人民的心。在中国疫情防控的关键时刻,世界各地国际友人心中有何感受,对武汉、对中国想说些什么?我苏网联合江苏国际频道推出“We Stand with YOU”(和你在一起)系列报道,倾听他们的心声。

  来自意大利的安东尼诺(Antonino Scordo)10年前来到中国工作,一直致力于中意两国的美食交流。如今,他担任南京市金陵饭店西餐厅行政总厨。近日,意大利新冠肺炎疫情形势日益严峻,这令安东尼诺十分牵挂,他开始密切关注家乡的疫情动态。

Antonino Scordo or Nino from Italy has been living in China for almost ten years. Over the years, he has been promoting Italian food in China and has been combining Chinese food and Italian food to make something of his own. He is now the executive chef at Jinling Hotel, Nanjing. With the COVID-19 epidemic gets worse in Italy, Nino started to follow closely on the changes of the epidemic in Italy.



“These days are not very good for me,” Antonino said. His wife and son are with him in China, but his families and friends are still in Italy. “At first, they kept calling me, but now I started worrying about them. Each day, we call each other and listen to the news.”



At 22:31 on March 12, Italy time (5:31 on March 13, Beijing time), the 9-member expert team sent by the Chinese government has landed in Rome. They carried 31 tons of medical materials, including equipment for intensive care and protection gear, to support Italy.



Since he has witnessed himself China’s efforts to combat the COVID-19, Nino becomes more confident to Italy’s epidemic prevention and control when he got the news of China’s support to Italy. “I believe in China 100%,” he said. “I really wish in my heart that everyone in Italy listens and follows directions of Chinese doctors.”


  “中国在抗击疫情方面取得了很好的成效,中国可以,意大利也同样可以。”视频尾声,尼诺几乎哽咽着用意大利语为中国和家乡送上祝福:“FORZA CHINA(加油中国)!FORZA ITALY!(加油意大利)”

“If China has already done something, it can be the same for Italy,” Nino said at the end of the video to support his mother country. “FORZA CHINA!FORZA ITALY!” 


At the beginning of the COVID-19 epidemic, many countries including Italy have selflessly offered support to China to combat the virus. Now it’s China’s turn to bring the experience of fighting against the COVID-19 to other countries around the world to safeguard regional and global public health security.


As Nino said in the video, if China can, it is the same for Italy. FORZA ITALY!
