Food is always believed to be the best bridge to connect different cultures. As one of the four major cuisines in China, Huaiyang Cuisine plays an important role in China’s culinary map.
19 foreigners from 18 countries including Russia and Columbia came to Yangzhou, the birthplace of Huaiyang Cuisine and UNESCO’s City of Gastronomy, to experience the unique food in the city as the second “Discover Jiangsu” in 2020 kicked off on Friday morning.
UNESCO has so far given the title of “City of Gastronomy” to eight cities around the world, four of them are in China. Yangzhou becomes the “City of Gastronomy” in 2019. Gu Feng, an academic leader of Cultural Heritage and Museum Studies in Jiangsu, led the audience to explore the relationship of Yangzhou’s culture and its food and the reason why it could be the “City of Gastronomy”.
To preserve the culinary memory of the city, Yangzhou has made vivid models of classic dishes that could last for generations. Xue Quansheng, the inheritor of Huaiyang Cuisine, showcased the models and told the expats stories behind the dishes.
Yangzhou’s morning tea culture is quite famous around the country. The city has many Cha She, or tea houses. They are not just places of drinking tea, but places of eating dim sims. Tea houses are the best choices to experience the slow pace of life in Yangzhou. TV host Zhou Tong introduced the morning tea culture to the foreign guests.
Jelena from Sylvia is a lover of Chinese food. She even brought two famous dim sims to let the audience have a bite of Yangzhou. “Only by tasting the food of Yangzhou can we truly understand the beauty of Huaiyang Cuisine,” she said.
“早上皮包水,晚上水包皮” 生动概括了扬州人对于生活品质的追求。美食节目主持人周彤现场介绍了扬州的早茶文化,并同外籍友人叶琳娜一起,邀请观众品尝有着“扬州双绝”之称的翡翠烧卖和千层油糕。叶琳娜告诉记者:“只有真正品味这些美食才能体会到扬州早茶的精髓所在。”
In the afternoon, the expats came to Quyuan Tea House to learn how to make Yangzhou Cuisine, such as Wensi Tofu and Yangzhou Fried Rice. Sen Jie from Malaysia told us that this is his second time to be in Yangzhou. “Last time, I also tasted Yangzhou Fried Rice, but it didn’t leave me a very deep impression,” he said. “This time, I cooked Yangzhou Fried Rice myself. It is so fun and so delicious.”
They also went to the 486 Intangible Cultural Heritage Cluster, “Three Knives” Street and Slender West Lake to experience the charm of Yangzhou.
“This is my second time to be in Yangzhou,” said Milton from Zimbabwe. “Every time I come here; I learn different things. It’s always good to try new things.”
“I think this place is quite good place because it's in this small place where they have a lot of different Chinese traditions,” said Anna from Ukraine. “I have a look at everything and I understand more about China and about Chinese traditions.”
"Discover Jiangsu" is a major brand built by the Information Office of Jiangsu Provincial People's Government. Each year, the organizers will invite the foreigners living in Jiangsu to explore various sides of the province and introduce Jiangsu to the world.
(来源:HELLOJIANGSU 我苏网:记者/ 吴彬 赵玉霄 张琳曼 编辑:陈茜)