For Jiangsu Province and the Japanese Prefecture Aichi, this year marks the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the sister-states relationship. A series of online and offline events were held to commemorate the mutually beneficial relationship.
A congratulatory letter on the anniversary was sent from Wu Zhenglong, Governor of Jiangsu Province, with the vision for deeper and wider cooperation. Hideaki Omura, Governor of Aichi Prefecture, sent his video message to review the past and future collaboration between Jiangsu and Aichi.
For celebration, a short film series titled "This is Jiangsu" has been produced by the province to exhibit the charm fo Jiangsu to Aichi's people. On Nov. 7th and 8th, a celebration was held in Nagoya, consisting of performances of traditional dancing, erhu and tea ceremony. Visitors were also able to have hands-on experience of folk arts and traditions including paper folding, shuttlecock kicking, acrobatics, opera and erhu playing.
As a part of the event, a photography contest was also organized by Aichi to celebrate the anniversary. Winning works taken in Jiangsu by Japanese and foreign participants were exhibited in Nagoya to present Jiangsu stories and memories.
江苏省和爱知县自1980年缔结友好关系以来,双方在经济、文化、卫生、体育等诸多领域开展了积极的交流。江苏省和爱知县的6对城市分别结成了友城或友好交流关系,其中南京市与名古屋市缔结了江苏省的第一对国际友好城市关系。与爱知县的经贸合作是江苏省与日本经贸往来的起步,为江苏省经济发展做出贡献;近几年,两省县通过举办“纪念中日邦交正常化40周年中日漫画展”、“江苏省 爱知县友好书法展”等文化交流活动,进一步拉近了两地人民的距离。在环保、体育及校际交流领域,两地也一直保持着深入而广泛的交流合作。
Since the establishment of the sister-states relationship in 1980, Jiangsu and Aichi have widely communicated with each other in terms of economy, culture, healthcare and sports. Six pairs of cities of Jiangsu and Aichi became sister cities or friendly cities, among which Nanjing and Nagoya were the first pair of international sister cities ever involving Jiangsu. The commercial collaboration with Aichi was the starting point of Jiangsu’s trade with Japan, making great contributions to Jiangsu’s economic surge. Cultural exchange projects including comic and calligraphy exhibitions have brought the people of the two regions closer. The two regions also kept in-depth communications regarding sports, environment protection and cross-school exchange.
2018年江苏省 爱知县友好书法展
Aichi Prefecture is the economic and cultural core of Japan’s central region, and is one of the few Japanese prefectures with manufacturing as the pillar industry. The gross production of the region ranks the third in Japan, following Tokyo and Osaka. Meanwhile, Aichi is also home to plenty of Japanese traditions with rich historical and cultural heritage.