A freight train of China-Europe Railway Express from the city of Nanjing to Moscow in Russia departs from Nanjing on February 7th, carrying 50 containers of products.据南京市国际货运班列有限公司董事长刘斌介绍,此趟班列运载的货物主要是LG公司生产的洗衣机等家用电器及其配件,均为南京及周边地区生产,总货值约345万美元。
The freight train, entitled “Jiangsu”, mainly carries home appliances produced by LG, said Liu Bin, General Manager of Nanjing International Freight Train Co., Ltd. The total value of the products is about 3.45 million USD.当前,新冠肺炎疫情仍在全球蔓延,全球产业链、供应链持续受阻,欧洲多国对外贸易受限。在此背景下,国际班列以其人员接触少、运输速度快、定制服务佳、换装效率高等优势,成为中欧国际贸易的运输首选。
With the supply chain continue to be influenced by COVID-19 pandemic, international freight trains become the first choice for China-Europe international trade due to less human-to-human contact, fast speed, customized service and high efficiency in transferring products.作为江苏省班列公司的控股子公司,南京市国际货运班列有限公司于2020年12月正式挂牌成立,目前已正式投入运营。作为南京市级平台公司,将主要从事南京市国际货运班列具体运营工作。
Nanjing International Freight Train Co., Ltd. was established in December 2020 as the holding subsidiary of Jiangsu International Freight Train Co., Ltd. As the only operation platform of international freight train designated by Nanjing government, the company undertakes the development, maintenance and booking business of international trains as well as provincial and municipal support fund allocation.