Jiangsu ready for Labor Day holiday tour

2021年04月30日 10:46:57 | 来源:ourjiangsu.com

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East China’s Jiangsu province is ready for the tourism upsurge during the Labor Day holiday that lasts from May 1st to 5th .

On the eve of the Labor Day holiday, the original ecological water village live performance "Four Seasons Zhouzhuang" was once again staged in Zhouzhuang Ancient Town.

The audience tasted the poetic and painting life of the water town, unlocking the thousand-year-old intangible cultural code of the ancient town in Jiangnan. Compared with previous years, this year's performance has been further optimized in terms of stage scenery, lighting, and props.

Ye Xin, Assistant to the General Manager of Jiangsu Water Town Zhouzhuang Tourism Co., Ltd.

We present the overall stage picture

farming culture and Jiangnan folk customs

on the stage

Wuxi has launched the first Plum Garden Bougainvillea Flower Art Exhibition by preparing colorful activities such as clown parade, tin opera performances, and parent-child amusement, providing visitors with a lively floral feast.

The Changzhou Rose Flower Show opened in multiple parks at the same time. Tens of thousands of different varieties of rose flowers turned out to be new attractions.

Relying on mountains and water resources, some scenic homestays have launched wild theme rooms and added interactive outdoor experience projects to add a joyous and festive atmosphere.

The Suzhou Museum will present four major exhibitions including "The Unique Fragrance of Begonia: The Discovery and Inheritance of Dazu Rock Carvings". The official website will issue 7,000 reservation tickets every day.

Tourists in Suqian can enjoy the nature and experience activities in the countryside, such as picking watermelons, cherry tomatoes, fishing, feeding animals, flying kites, and cooking farm dishes.

Public health experts have cautioned epidemic prevention and control measures should be maintained during the holiday.

Zhao Xing, Lianyungang Center for Disease Control and Prevention

When traveling during the May Day holiday

you must wear a mask in crowded places

and maintain proper social distance

When taking mass transit rides

you must keep your receipts

in case of further extermination as situation arises
