IoT technologies support modern agriculture in Wuxi

2021年05月28日 11:10:15 | 来源

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  He Junming, director of Wuxi Kaiyi Internet of Things Technology Development Co. [Photo/]

He Junming, director of Wuxi Kaiyi Internet of Things Technology Development Co, is working on a modern agricultural park that focuses solely on blueberry planting.

Advanced technologies have been applied on the model greenhouse, including smart weather stations, online water quality monitoring, an integrated water and fertilizer pumping house, smart pest monitors, solar insecticidal lights, as well as ozone sterilization.

All of the smart equipment is connected online to mobile phones and computers, allowing farmers to check the condition of blueberry trees in real time.

He said that their blueberries can be eaten immediately after picking without washing. "All the eight kinds of our blueberries taste well this year," he added.

He finished his PhD at the Hefei University of Technology in 2007 and worked at Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation for five years. Then, He started to work in the modern agricultural industry in Wuxi in 2011 as he had dreamed to be a "smart farmer."

Wuxi has provided favorable polices to support his business. Recently, his company and Wuxi Agriculture Garden cooperated to design a new-type greenhouse, which is expected to be completed in July.

The 5,000-square-meter greenhouse is built in glass and covered with green vines in 28 parts. The greenhouse will be equipped with new energy facilities to make it an ideal place for both modern agriculture and tourism.
