Jiangsu to further boost trade growth in 14th five-year plan period

2021年09月16日 10:43:54 | 来源:ourjiangsu.com

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East China’s Jiangsu province will step up its efforts to boost foreign trade growth by consolidating the foundation for trade growth and enhance the level of innovation and development of service trade, according to the outline for high quality trade growth in the 14th five-year plan period in Jiangsu. 

Jiangsu will carry out a new round of large-scale technological transformation focusing on the intelligent and green nature in a bid to encourage the traditional labor-intensive industries such as textiles, garments and luggage to extend from processing and manufacturing to R&D, design and marketing.

Jiangsu will also build advanced manufacturing clusters, cultivate and develop a number of specialized enterprise service platforms, and promote new-generation information technology, new medicine and other emerging industries, shipbuilding and marine engineering, and construction machinery to open up the international market.

According to the outline,Jiangsu will cultivate a group of influential overseas brands in key markets, accelerate the implementation of free trade agreements such as RCEP, and build local service centers to implement classified guidance.

Efforts will be made to promote the integration of international and domestic standards, promote the expansion of the scope of application of "same line, same standard and same quality" to the fields of general consumer goods and industrial products, and promote smooth internal and external circulation of goods and services.

By 2025, Jiangsu will strengthen its competitive edge in trade with technology, standards, brand, quality and service as the core, and its high-quality trade development will rank foremost in the country.
