
2021年09月24日 21:21:24 | 来源:我苏网

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  意大利国家旅游局中国代表克里斯•瓦罗蒂(Cristiano Varotti)

Not only me, but the whole Italian delegation was impressed by how the events were beautifully connected to the ancient history of the region. The local government has done a great job in order to qualify the Grand Canal not only as a historical location and resource, but also as a wonderful tourist destination both for domestic and international tourists.

  泰国驻沪总领事乐达·普玛 (Lada Phumas

The theme of this event is integration, inclusiveness and happiness. We organized this Thai booth in respond to the constructive bilateral meeting with the Jiangsu government in June, and this is the fastest outcome. We have plenty of activities in this booth, and we're all here for your disposal to entertain you, all the participants to the event, to the Expo.

  乌兹别克斯坦驻沪总领事马苏托夫·阿济滋(Masutov Aziz

Uzbekistan and China have long-lasting bilateral ties beginning from the great silk road more than two thousand years ago. By this road our countries exchanged goods and culture. Suzhou City has great potential to develop culture and tourism, and we hope we could do more for this cultural relation with a long history.

   (记者/江苏国际频道 许沛予;编辑/张闻芝;设计/邵静娟)
