Jiangsu continues to promote barrier-free services

2022-03-02 10:43:19 | 来源:ourjiangsu.com

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East China’s Jiangsu province will continue to promote the installation of barrier-free facilities to benefit the people with disabilities, according to a press conference held on Tuesday.

 Based on the principle of extensive benefit, Jiangsu will expand the beneficiaries of barrier-free facilities from the disabled group to the disabled, the elderly and other needy groups.

In terms of infrastructure, transportation, home life, and employment environment, the construction of barrier-free facilities shall be comprehensively promoted and the functions of barrier-free facilities shall be optimized.

The main roads and passages in the urban areas shall be equipped with barrier-free facilities in accordance with the standard. Urban public parking lots and parking lots in large residential areas must have barrier-free parking spaces in accordance with the prescribed proportion, and public parking lots shall reduce or exempt parking fees for disabled persons.

The government should improve the barrier-free service function of the community and promote the renovation of barrier-free facilities in old residential areas.

For the barrier-free renovation of disabled and elderly families, the government shall provide financial subsidies to ensure the effective supply of barrier-free facilities.
