Latest Update on COVID-19 Dynamics in Jiangsu as of 24:00 August 13

2022-08-14 14:22:05 | 来源

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Another six inbound asymptomatic carriers were identified. One inbound asymptomatic carrier was released from medical observation.

The detailed information of the new asymptomatic carriers will be released by relevant prefecture-level cities.

At present, there are nine confirmed cases (two local and seven inbound) under isolated treatment at designated hospitals and 19 asymptomatic carriers (all inbound) under medical observation. 

The latest update on COVID-19 risk levels:

As of 18:00, August 13, 2022, there had been 653 high-risk areas and 683 medium-risk areas across the Chinese mainland.

683 medium-risk areas:

Nanjing, Jiangsu Province (3)

Qushui Wenhuayuan Residence (No.52 East Fenghuang Road), Fenghuang Sub-district, Gulou District;

Jianye District:

Poly Xiangbin Guoji Residence (No.89 East Jinshajiang Street);

Jiangsu Institute of Medical Device Testing (No.17 Kangwen Road).

All regions outside the Chinese mainland (except Macao, which was at low risk level) remained high-risk areas.

Experts note that:

Recently, a number of clustered COVID-19 cases have been reported by various regions in China, in which a number of transmission chains have been discovered. We must strictly implement all prevention and control measures as the overall situation remains complex and challenging. The omicron variant is hard to be detected and features fast transmission and short latent period, posing greater challenges to its prevention and control. Everyone bears the primary responsibility for their own health and needs to continue with protective measures. Avoid unnecessary trips to overseas areas, medium and high-risk regions and regions with locally confirmed cases, and reduce travel to other provinces or regions.

1. Please provide needed information in time and support COVID-19 prevention and control measures. Those from areas with locally confirmed cases, those whose travel histories overlap those of the newly confirmed cases or asymptomatic carriers in particular, should inform their employers, communities (villages) or hotels, and cooperate in providing information and conducting nucleic acid tests and isolated medical observation. Please closely follow information on dynamics of the virus and changes of risk levels of different regions from official sources. Do not believe in or spread rumors. Please support COVID-19 prevention and control measures and remain vigilant against the coronavirus. 

2. Seek inoculation. As an effective way to stop the spread of the virus in COVID-19 response, inoculation helps build herd immunity, and reduces the risk of turning into severe cases and the mortality rate. People above 60 years of age eligible for vaccination are advised to get fully vaccinated and the booster jab in time.

3. Maintain routine prevention and control. Keep the mask on, especially in crowded and indoor places with poor ventilation, even though the temperature is high in summer. Please cooperate in checking body temperature and wear a mask when you are in public areas such as malls, restaurants and hotels. When you are joining a queue, making payments, talking with each other, exercising, sightseeing and shopping, please keep a one-meter distance away from others. When conducting nucleic acid tests, please properly wear your mask, keep a one-meter distance away from others, and avoid chatting and gathering.

4. Increase awareness of personal prevention. Maintain good habits for health such as washing hands regularly, wearing a mask, ventilating rooms more often, reducing gatherings, using serving chopsticks, and dining separately. Seek medical treatment as soon as possible when symptoms such as fever, dry cough, fatigue, nasal congestion, nasal discharge, sore throat, reduced sense of smell and taste, conjunctivitis (pink eye), muscle pain and diarrhea show. Keep the mask on during the trip and avoid using public transport when seeking treatment.

















  813 24 기준 장쑤성 코로나19 사태 최신 정보

  813 0-24 장쑤성에 코로나19 신규 본토 확진자와 신규 본토 무증상 감염자가 없는 것으로 나타났다.

  신규 해외 유입 무증상 감염자 6명이 추가됐고 기존 무증상 감염자 1명(해외 유입)의 집중 격리 및 의학적 관리가 해제됐다. 

  신규 무증상 감염자의 상세한 정보는 관한 설구시가 발표한다.

  현재 지정 병원에서 격리  치료를 받고 있는 확진 병례는 9명은 있고(본토 2, 해외 유입 7) 의학적 관리를 받고 있는 무증상 감염자는 19명은 있다(모두 해외 유입).

  코로나 19 지역 위험 등급 알림

  813 18 기준 전국에서 고위험 지역 653개와 중위험 지역 683개가 있는 것을 기록했다.


  장쑤성 난징시(3): 구러우구 펑황가도 취수이웬위안 아파트 (펑황동제 52번지); 졘예구 바오리 샹빈궈지 아파트(진샤쟝동제 89번지), 장쑤성 의료기계 검사소(캉원로 17번지).

  역외는 마카우를 제외하고 여전히 모두 고위험지역으로 판정된다.

  전문가를 의하면 최근 전국 많은 지역에서 본토 집단 발생 사태가 보고되었으며 여러 전파 사슬이 존재하여 코로나19 방역 상황이 심각하고 복잡하니 각종 통제 조치를 여전히 엄격히 실시해야 된다. 오미크론 변이는 잠복기가 짧고 전파력과 은밀성이 강하니까 방역 통제에   도전이 되었다. 모든 사람은 자신 건강의 1책임자이니 필수가 아니면 역외나 ·고위험 지역, 그리고 본토 확진 병례가 나타난 지역으로 가지 않고, ·지역 간의 이동을 줄이는  건강 방호를 계속  해야한다.

  1. 정보 등록 자발적으로 보고하고 방역관리를 폅조한다. 최근 본토 확진 병례가 나타난 지역에 체류한 적이 있거나, 특히 새로 추가된 확진자 또는 무증상 감염자의 동선과 겹친 경우가 있는 분들이 소재 기업, 주민단지 혹은 호텔에 자발적으로 보고하여 정보 확인과 핵산 검사, 격리 관찰  방역 조치에 협조해야 한다. 정부의 코로나 19 사태에 관한 정보 발표, 국내 코로나 동향  각지의 코로나 위험 등급 변화를 밀접하게 유의해야 한다. 소문을 믿지 않고 퍼뜨리지 않으며, 시종일관 경각심을 갖고 예방하고 방역 조치를 적극적으로 지지하고 협조한다.

  2. 코로나 백신을 적극적으로 접종한다. 백신 접종은 신종 코로나 바이러스 전파를 막고 전염병을 퇴치하는 효과적인 수단으로 집단면역 장벽을 구축하고 질병 감염 후의 중증과 사망의 위험을 낮추는  도움이 된다. 접종 요건에 부합하는 60 이상 시민은 가능한  빨리 접종을 완료하고 부스터샷을 맞아야 한다.

  3. 코로나 상시화 통제 조치를 견지한다. 여름 계절에 기온이 높지만 인원이 집중되는 장소와 실내 공간에는 마스크를 여전히 착용해야 한다. 매장, 식당, 호텔  공공장소에 들어서는 마스크 착용, 온도 체크를 적극적으려 협조하며, 줄서기, 게산, 대화, 운동, 관림, 쇼핑  1m 이상의 사회적 거리를 두어야 한다. 핵산 검사를 받을   마스크를 착용하고, 1미터 거리를 유지하며 이야기하거나 모이지 말아야 한다.

  4. 개인의 방호 의식을 강화해야 한다.  씻기, 마스크 착용, 통풍 자주하기, 모임 적게하기, 공동 수저 사용, 배식제  개인위생 습관을  지켜야 한다. 만약 발열, 기침, 무기력, 코막힘, 콧물, 인두통, 후각·미각 감퇴, 결막염, 근육통 혹은 설사  의심 증상이 있으면 즉시 진료를 봐야 되며, 가는  과정에 마스크를 규범적으로 착용하고 가급적 대중교통 이용을 피한다.
