Jiangsu releases proactive measures to boost industrial recovery

2022-08-24 11:22:26 | 来源:ourjiangsu.com

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950 key sample companies in Jiangsu province reported a year-on-year increase of 11% in operating income in July, a cumulative increase of about 7% from January to July and a rise of 1.2 percentage points from January to June, according to the latest survey and statistics released by the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology.

In July, the loss ratio of industrial enterprises above designated size in the province narrowed by 0.6 percentage points from January to June. The prices of the main products of the petrochemical industry are at a high level, and the market demand of the light industry, medicine and textile industries has gradually recovered.

Xuzhou Construction Machinery Group recently sent the world's largest telescopic crawler crane to the Ivovik Wind Farm in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Due to its high technical threshold, this super mobile crane is known as the "jewel in the crown" of the world's construction machinery technology.

The 1000-ton super crane newly developed by XCMG can lift 135 tons of heavy objects to a height of 160 meters, setting a world record in the field of telescopic boom wind power construction in the world and making it stand out from many international first-line brands in overseas project bidding.

Liu Jiansen, Vice President of XCMG Machinery, General Manager of XCMG Import & Export Company

Since the beginning of this year, the province's high-tech industries have reported a year-on-year increase of about 9% in added value, nearly 7 percentage points higher than that of designated industries.

The output value of charging piles in the new product field increased by 4.3 times, and the in the output value of high-end construction machinery, lithium batteries, photovoltaic cells, new energy vehicles, and smart equipment varied from 20% to 98%.

In July, 950 key enterprises reported an increase of 75 billion yuan in industrial profits, an increase of about 5% year-on-year, reversing the downward trend since the start of this year.

From January to July, the province invested in 6,758 newly filed technical transformation projects, with a total of over 470 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of more than 12%.

Rugao Municipal Government invited 200 top domestic intelligent manufacturing system solution service providers to provide "intelligent transformation" diagnostic services for its manufacturing enterprises,

The county-level city recently invited five financial institutions to provide preferential loans for technological transformation of enterprises to help enterprises transform and upgrade.

Ye Yanlin, Vice President of Rugao Rural Commercial Bank
