2nd Huaihe River Chinese Entrepreneurs Forum kicks off in Huai’an

2022-08-24 11:32:00 | 来源:ourjiangsu.com

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Nearly 200 well-known Chinese businessmen from 28 cities in 5 provinces along the Huaihe River and the Yangtze River Delta region attended the 2nd Huaihe Entrepreneurs Forum held in Huai'an.

2nd Huaihe River Chinese Entrepreneurs Forum saw the release of the Declaration of Chinese Entrepreneurs of the Second Huaihe Chinese Entrepreneurs Conference and the signing of major investment projects.

69 investment projects were signed, with a total investment of 87.62 billion yuan, including 9 investment projects of more than 5 billion yuan, with a total of 58.65 billion yuan.

Jiang Linzheng, Executive Vice President of Nanjing Weigang Dairy Co., Ltd.

The Huaihe Ecological Economic Belt covers 28 cities in 5 provinces including Jiangsu, Anhui, Shandong, Henan and Hubei, with a total GDP exceeding 7 trillion yuan. In October 2018, the Huaihe Ecological Economic Belt was officially upgraded into a national development strategy.

The cities along the Huaihe Ecological Economic Belt will take the opportunity of the Chinese Entrepreneurs Forum to give full play to the role of the Huaihe River as a link between Chinese and Chinese businessmen at home and abroad, and give full play to the unique advantages of overseas Chinese and Chinese businessmen in terms of financial strength, business network, human resources, and connectivity between China and foreign countries, make every effort to create a benchmark sample of high-quality development of regional cooperation, and provide Huaihe wisdom for building a new development pattern of domestic and international circulation and regional coordinated development.

Liu Tianpei, Vice Director of the United Front Work Department of Huai'an Municipal Committee, Director of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Huai'an City
