Provincial government holds meeting on future work

2022-10-08 11:30:40 | 来源

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Jiangsu provincial government held a working meeting on Friday to implement General Secretary Xi Jinping’s recent important speeches and important instructions, fully implement the major requirements of the Party Central Committee on epidemic prevention and control, economic development and production safety, and implement the arrangements of the State Council's work conference on stabilizing the economy in the fourth quarter. Wu Zhenglong, secretary of the provincial party committee, gave instructions. Governor Xu Kunlin delivered a speech.

In his instructions, Wu Zhenglong emphasized that the National Day holiday was drawing to a close, increasing the flow of people returning to their posts and schools. With the sporadic and frequent resurgence of the epidemic across the country, imported cases were reported in many places of Jiangsu, aggravating the risk of multi chain and hidden transmission and making epidemic prevention and control more severe and complex.

Noting that the current resurgence of the COVID-19 epidemic in Jiangsu has made the situation extremely severe, and the task of prevention and control extremely arduous, Wu Zhenglong demanded that the province make epidemic prevention and control the top priority at present by further optimizing and upgrading prevention and control measures, adhering to the general strategy of preventing inbound cases from overseas and sporadic resurgence at home and exerting utmost efforts to stop the spread of the epidemic.

The CPC provincial chief demanded that local authorities make more efforts to scale up nucleic acid testing, strengthening epidemiological investigations, tracing the chain of infection and the source of infection as soon as possible, and strive to identify all potential infected persons as soon as possible.

He urged strong measures to speed up the transfer and isolation of infected persons, strengthen traffic control, inspect various checkpoints, entrances and exits at provincial and municipal boundaries, prevent the spread of the epidemic, strengthen the management of key personnel and places, and strengthen the prevention and control of construction sites, ports, schools, hospitals and fever clinics, nursing homes, prisons, farmers markets, hotels, enterprises, petrol stations and logistics parks.

Wu Zhenglong called for effective measures to adhere to a problem-oriented approach, implement local responsibilities, strengthen and optimize epidemic prevention and control measures, resolutely block virus transmission channels, ensure the transportation of livelihood supplies and important production materials, ensure the safety and stability of industrial chains and supply chains, and promote normal production and living order.

He required specific measures to respond to people's concerns, meet people's needs for livelihood, medical treatment and purchase of medicines, ensure material reserves and stable prices, and resolutely win the battle of epidemic prevention and control so as to meet the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with practical actions.

Xu Kunlin called for efforts to consolidate the positive trend of investment and consumption, give full play to the role of important national policy tools, expand effective investment through major projects, stabilize mass consumption, expand new consumption, optimize consumption platform carriers, promote the growth of industrial and agricultural production and accelerate the recovery of the service industry, give play to the leading role of the industrial chain and the supporting role of the industrial cluster, increase the cultivation of specialized and sophisticated little giant enterprises, strive for a bumper harvest of autumn grain and promote quality and efficiency improvement in the service industry.

The governor asked all localities to take all measures to stabilize foreign trade and foreign capital, support foreign trade enterprises to explore the market, promote investment promotion activities, vigorously attract foreign investment projects, strengthen the service guarantee of foreign-funded enterprises, strive to improve livelihood security, stabilize employment and prices, continue to strengthen the supply of basic public services, take active, steady and effective measures to resolve risks in key areas, and maintain the overall social security and stability.
