China will support Chengdu of Sichuan Province and Chongqing Municipality in accelerating the construction of a "western science city" and building a science and technology innovation center with national influence, according to a document.
The document was jointly issued by 12 central agencies, including the Ministry of Science and Technology, and the governments of Chongqing Municipality and Sichuan Province in southwest China.
The existing sci-tech parks in the cities of Chengdu, Chongqing and Mianyang will be the start-up zones of the science city, and efforts will be made to accelerate cluster development and form a collaborative innovation network, according to the document.
The document clarifies the main objectives of the center, which include establishing a number of world-class innovation platforms and research bases and gather a batch of renowned universities, institutions and innovative enterprises by 2025, with the purpose of taking the lead in innovative research in basic disciplines, such as material science and nuclear science.
The document highlights specific targets to achieve by 2025, including investing more than 5 percent of regional GDP in total R&D spending and producing over 80 high-value patents per 10,000 people.
The science city will be built into a comprehensive science center by 2035, attracting top scientists from around the globe, achieving scientific breakthroughs in key fields, and leading industries into the high-end of the global value chains.