XJTLU International Fair held today

2023-05-13 21:03:52 | 来源:iSuzhou

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Suzhou International Day 2023: the 2nd XJTLU International Fair opened today.

This year's XJTLU International Fair was divided into two parts: "Touring Suzhou" and "Outdoor Party." Students and teachers from XJTLU traveled around Suzhou in the daytime. They visited Suzhou Silk Museum to feel kesi culture that has existed for over 1,000 years, and took a boat trip on Jinji Lake, admiring the gorgeous modern scenery of the city.

The outdoor party started at 4 p.m. at the University's South Campus Central Lake area. Residents and guests from both home and abroad came to join students and teachers. The party included a food fair, a creative culture fair, face painting, a dance performance, a photography exhibition and musical performances, among others.

"The fenceless campus is a major feature of XJTLU. People are welcome to come here and feel the vibrant and internationalized atmosphere," said Chao Qiuling, Vice President of XJTLU.

Light &Wings, a biannual digital magazine of XJTLU, was also issued today, sharing unique culture and life in China with international readers.
