2023 World Coastal Forum underway in Jiangsu

2023-09-26 14:11:15 | 来源:chinadaily.com.cn

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Nearly 1,000 government officials, researchers and industry representatives are taking part in the 2023 World Coastal Forum in Yancheng, Jiangsu province.

The forum, which opened on Monday, is focusing on green development of coastal areas, according to the Ministry of Natural Resources.

The three-day event is hosted by the Ministry of Natural Resources, the National Forestry and Grassland Administration and the Jiangsu Provincial People's Government and has a theme of "Our Coasts: Harmony between People and Nature".

The ministry said in a news release that the forum aims to engage all relevant parties in discussing the protection and development of coastal regions, promote harmonious coexistence between humans and nature, and seek a shared vision and strategies for the integrated management of coastal areas.

The ministry said that coastal areas, which connect land and sea, are the primary places where humans live. They possess invaluable natural resources and abundant biodiversity, making them the most vibrant regions for economic and social development worldwide.

The governance and development of coastal areas directly impact global economic and social development. Affected by climate change and human activities, coastal areas around the world face varying degrees of risks and challenges, which urgently require the sharing of successful experiences and the exploration of response strategies, the news release said.

Wang Guanghua, the minister of natural resources, said in his address to the opening ceremony on Monday, that China is committed to coordinating the development of land and sea and implementing comprehensive strategies.

China has also undertaken a series of measures to strengthen coordinated planning, establish nature reserves, implement ecological protection and restoration projects, and promote international exchanges and cooperation. These efforts have achieved remarkable results.

Many foreign participants have acknowledged China's leadership and remarkable achievements in protecting coastal ecosystems, improving the environment, and addressing climate change.

They said the forum has provided a platform for multiple stakeholders to participate, and it will play an important role in promoting coastal ecosystem protection and sustainable development.

It is hoped that all parties will make good use of the forum to exchange and discuss issues related to the restoration and protection of coastal ecosystems, climate change adaptation, and sustainable development of coastal cities, according to the ministry's news release.
