
Jiangsu boosts consumer spending for economic resumption

ourjiangsu.com 2022-05-30 14:12:46

East China’s Jiangsu province has released a slew of measures to boost consumer spending and help the consumer market resume vitality and prosperity. Let’s take a close look.

Jiangsu New Consumption · Summer Nightlife Consumption Promotion will run from May to September.

The province is expected to hold thousands of consumer promotion activities involving more than 100 thousand businesses.

Suzhou will issue consumer coupons of no less than 100 million yuan to stimulate sales of cars and home appliances.

Xuzhou and Zhenjiang will issue 10 million yuan of consumer coupons and 5 million yuan of electronic consumer coupons to promote the consumer market.

"We calculated that the government, issued 5 million yuan of consumer coupons which can promote the issuance of 60 million consumer coupons by supermarkets and stimulate sales of 120 million yuan." Yu Jun, Member of the Party Committee of Zhenjiang Municipal Bureau of Commerce, said.

"We will seize the favorable opportunity to effectively control the epidemic and carry out a series of consumption promotion activities to further stimulate consumption potential, boost consumer market confidence and give full play to the role of consumption in promoting the economic cycle." Bian Yibin, Director of Market Operation and Consumption Promotion Division of Jiangsu Provincial Department of Commerce, said.