
我苏网 2023/01/18 21:00



  Bram Jansen, who has been working and living in Nanjing, Jiangsu for seven years, is now the President of BASF-YPC Company Limited, a joint venture between two FORTUNE 500 companies - BASF and SINOPEC. Jansen has made outstanding contributions in supporting urban development planning, leading industrial upgrading, promoting digital transformation and supporting the national strategic goals of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality. He has also been awarded “Friendship Ambassador of the People of Jiangsu” and “Zijin Friendship Ambassador of Nanjing Urban Internationalization”.


  After working in Nanjing for years, Jansen considers the business environment in Jiangsu suitable for BASF-YPC’s development. “I think our shareholders made the right decision 20 years ago. Jiangsu province is a really manufacturing powerhouse and it is the right environment with the right infrastructure to reach all our customers. In the new year, we will continue to pursue our sustainable development. “This is a road map we have embarked 2 years ago. We are also looking forward to the recovery of the economy after the difficult months recently. Last, but not least we will also pursue further investments here in BYC.”

  (来源:我苏网 江苏国际频道 ;编导:许沛予 编辑:张琳曼 设计:唐诗韵)