Construction on China's first arctic cruise ship begins

2018年03月20日 16:53:42 | 来源

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  China's first polar expedition cruise ship began its construction in Haimen County, Jiangsu province and it is expected to be completed by August 2019.

  According to China Merchants Industry Holdings Company, the ship will measure 104.4 meters long, 18.4 meters wide and weigh 7,400 tonnes, with a speed of at least 15.5 knots.

  With an advanced electric propulsion and control system, the ship will be able to navigate through high-latitude sea ice.

  The vessel was designed by Ulstein Group, a Norwegian ship design and building company.

  Cruise shipbuilding is a key objective of the "Made in China 2025" action plan, which aims to turn China into a global leader in manufacturing by increasing investment in R&D and the application of the latest technology.  

(Source:Jiangsu International Channel)
