A recent monitoring survey done by staff reporters of JSBC shows that indoor air quality is worse than expected. Let’s take a close look.
In addition to PM2.5, VOC plays a more important role in the air quality. VOC is a volatile organic compound, which contains alkanes, alkenes, aromatic hydrocarbons, etc., and will become pm2.5 and ozone under the illumination of sunlight, leading to respiratory diseases and even cancer.
Our staff reporters used air collection tanks to collect air samples at Nanjing Zijin Mountain, the intersection of roads during morning rush hours when vehicles exit the most exhaust gas, the home where ventilation is relatively weak, the kitchen where meals is being cooked, and the chemical park where production is taking place.
The result is quite surprising. The VOC concentration in the home is the highest, mainly because the environment in the home is relatively closed, and the decoration materials such as paint will also emit VOC. The VOC will also be discharged during the cooking process, thereby the test results.
The reason why the VOC content of the automobile exhaust is low is because the country has implemented strict emission standards, and the rigor of this standard is almost the same as the air quality standard.
Experts suggest that it is not desirable to rely too much on the air purifier if you want to improve the air quality in the home. The most effective way to have desirable air quality at home is to open the window for two or three hours at noon when the air quality is best.