First China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo ends in Changsha

2019年07月02日 15:41:37 | 来源

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  More than 50 enterprises and nearly 200 businessmen from Jiangsu province participated in the first China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo to seek new business opportunities for deep economic and trade cooperation with Africa.

  The Oriental Industrial Park, the first national-level park launched by a Jiangsu firm in Ethiopia and the New Yangge Industry and Trade Industrial Park launched by another Jiangsu firm in Tanzania, was selected for the China-Africa Cooperation Achievements Exhibition, demonstrating the Jiangsu experience in the cooperation between China and Africa.

  Statistics show Jiangsu has established economic and trade exchanges with 61 countries and regions in Africa. From January to May this year, the province’s import and export with Africa reached 5.57 billion U.S. dollars. African countries launched 37 direct investment enterprises in the province during the period with the contracted amount of investment at 667 million U.S. dollars. Meanwhile, Jiangsu launched 20 investment projects in Africa with agreed investment standing at 220 million U.S. dollars.

  The expo, launched under the framework of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, will establish a new mechanism for economic and trade cooperation between China and African countries. The expo will be held in Hunan once every two years.
