Art discussed along Ancient Canal

2019年08月01日 14:06:53 | 来源

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Art discussed along Ancient Canal

Artists from the literature, film, and music worlds give speeches to Wuxi residents. [Photo/WeChat account: wuxishilvyouju]

  The Ancient Canal Literature and Film Season started in Wuxi on July 27, inviting artists from the literature, film, and music worlds to take part.

  Lasting for three months, the event features over 20 activities, including literature recitals, music performances, discussions about the canal, film screenings, and a forum for directors. All these events will highlight the importance of Wuxi to the Chinese arts scene.

  In Wuxi OCT Manager Liang Hao's view, the event will present a rich cultural experience to tourists and residents. Wuxi OCT is working to build a large cultural and tourism resort in Wuxi.

  In June, a deal was signed to build the Xigangbang (literally "Wuxi steel river") Tourist Distribution Center in Wuxi's Liangxi district. It is expected to become a venue for tourism services featuring music, art, high-tech, entertainment, cultural creation and history.

  The project is a crucial part of the 12.8-square-kilometer Jiangnan Ancient Canal Tourism Resort, the only provincial tourism resort of its kind to be set up in an urban area in Jiangsu province.

  "The project will add more cultural facilities and public activity spaces to the Qingming Bridge scenic area, and will itself become a gathering place for regional cultural activities," said Cai Hongmei, chairman of Jiangsu Ancient Canal Investment Development Co Ltd.
