Jinji Lake CBD teams up with new partners in driving fintech cooperation

2020年11月15日 13:59:53 | 来源:sipac.gov.cn

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At the Sub-forum on Blockchain Technology and Application which, part of the 3rd China-Singapore Trade in Services Innovation Forum, was held in SIP on Nov 10, the Administrative Committee of Jinji Lake CBD, a cluster of financial institutions in SIP, signed agreements with China Construction Bank Suzhou Branch and Shanghai Services Federation Fintech Service Committee to launch strategic cooperation in the fintech sector.

The cooperation is expected to propel the formation of a stronger fintech ecosystem in the CBD.

It is learnt that the CBD authorities will collaborate with the bank in building a fintech-focused maker space and hosting fintech innovation and startup contests to help accelerate application of advanced technologies in the financial sector.

Moreover, Shanghai Services Federation Fintech Service Committee will set up its Yangtze River Delta (South Jiangsu) Base in the CBD, and the Administrative Committee of Jinji Lake CBD will become a special member of the federation. Based on that, the two parties will join efforts to facilitate interactions between fintech companies, financial institutions, research institutes and other related parties to promote development and application of financial technology.
