In January, Jiangsu registered 139.3 billion yuan in general public budget revenue, an increase of 4.4% year on year. Tax revenue reached 118.9 billion yuan, accounting for 85.3%, and the value-added tax and personal income tax, which reflect the quality of economic operation and the income status of residents, maintained rapid growth.
In January, the province's value-added tax reached 42 billion yuan, an increase of 9%, and the personal income tax reached 9.2 billion yuan, an increase of 42%.
In January, the province reported 168.2 billion yuan in general public budget expenditure, an increase of 66.5%. Expenditures in the fields of transportation, science and technology, which are related to the economic and social development, maintained rapid growth.
In January, Jiangsu recorded 9.2 billion yuan in transportation spending, up 391.8 percent, 4.7 billion yuan in science and technology spending, an increase of 78.1%, and 36.2 billion yuan in education expenditure, an increase of 83.9%. 19.9 billion yuan was spent on social security and employment expenditure, an increase of 17.2% and 10.5 billion yuan on health expenditure, up of 17.1%.