Jiangsu reports upsurge in stationery retail sales

2022-08-29 10:43:59 | 来源:ourjiangsu.com

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East China’s Jiangsu province has reported an upsurge in stationery retail sales as the new semester is around in one week’s time.

Many students and their parents visited the Xinjiekou Branch of Nanjing Xinhua Bookstore to purchase all kinds of teaching and supplementary books.

"The most frequently asked questions by parents and children are textbooks including Chinese language, mathematics and foreign language textbooks for primary and secondary schools followed by reference books such as Modern Chinese Dictionary, Oxford Advanced Dictionary and Ancient Chinese Dictionary. We sell these reference books at a 20% discount all year round to give readers a discount." said Liu Yichen, Employee of Xinhua Bookstore.

About 70% of the primary and junior high school textbooks have arrived due to the revision of the textbooks. It is expected that the peak sales of teaching and auxiliary books will appear on the first weekend after the school starts.

Many supermarkets have placed schoolbags, trolley cases, books, book wraps and pens in conspicuous positions to facilitate consumers' purchase. According to supermarket employees, sales of stationery products have risen significantly with the approaching of new semester.

Electronic products including mobile phones, tablets and computers are also very popular. According to several shopping malls in Changzhou, college students are the main consumers of electronic products. The turnover of student tablets increased by 60% year-on-year, the turnover of reading pens increased by 70% year-on-year, and the turnover of smart bracelets increased by 50% year-on-year.
