24th China Patent Award Announced

2023-07-24 14:59:00 | 来源:ourjiangsu.com

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Five patents from Jiangsu were awarded the 24th China Patent Award, ranking the province the third in the country in the total number of award-winning projects, according to the award-winning list recently released by the China National Intellectual Property Administration.

Among the 936 Chinese Patent Awards, Jiangsu has 114 patents, including 4 Chinese Patent Gold Awards, 6 Silver Awards, 96 Excellence Awards, 1 Chinese Design Gold Award, 4 Silver Awards, and 3 Excellence Awards.

The five gold medal projects are from Frontier Biomedical (Nanjing) Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Haosen Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd., Jiangsu University, Puyuan Jingdian Technology Co., Ltd., and Jiangsu Xugong Engineering Machinery Research Institute Co., Ltd.

In recent years, Jiangsu has made every effort to implement the high-value patent cultivation project, spared no effort to promote the patent conversion plan, continuously enhancing the quality of intellectual property creation, improving the quality and efficiency of intellectual property application, and steadily increasing the number of Chinese patent awards. As of now, Jiangsu has won a total of 40 Chinese patent gold awards and 11 Chinese design gold awards, with a total of over a thousand awards.
