Governor Wu presides over provincial government executive meeting

2019年08月01日 10:37:42 | 来源

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Wu Zhenglong, Governor of Jiangsu province, presided over a provincial government executive meeting to covey the gist of the national teleconference on the reform of household registration system and the random check and making public the law enforcement process in market supervision.

Promoting the reform of the household registration system is an important part of promoting a new type of urbanization with people as the core, according to a statement released after the meeting.

The promotion of the reform of household registration system should be strengthened in accordance with Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese characteristics for the new era by implementing the decision-making arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council and the gist of the national teleconference on the reform of the national household registration system, adhering to the people-oriented principle, focusing on improving quality and efficiency, and steadily improve the urbanization rate of the household registration population, the statement said.

Greater efforts should be made to explore the establishment of a household registration policy for the orderly migration of urban and rural household registration, strengthen supportive reforms, accelerate the equalization and facilitation of basic public services, and effectively address issues such as education, employment, medical care, social security, and housing that are of great concern to the transfer of agricultural population, and enhance the sense of gain, happiness and security, according to the statement.

The random check and making public the law enforcement process in market supervision is an important measure to transform government functions by streamlining administration, delegating powers and improving regulation and services, the statement said.

The new measure is believed to be conducive to the establishment of a fair competition market environment by reining in arbitrary and unfair law enforcement, according to the statement.

It will also play a role in the prevention of excessive inspections, lightening the burden on enterprises, optimizing the business environment, supplement insufficient enforcement manpower, improve supervision efficiency and enhance the credit awareness of the market players, the statement said.

