China has released the results of China's first solar exploration science and technology test satellite Chinese Hα Solar Explorer.
As China's first dedicated solar photographer, the satellite has, for the first time globally, obtained the fine structure of solar Hɑ, SiΙ and FeΙ spectral lines in orbit, which can directly reflect the characteristics of solar eruptions.
In the field of new satellite technology experiments, Hα Solar Explorer has achieved three international firsts, which are the first in-orbit verification and application of the dual-supersatellite platform technology with ultra-high pointing accuracy and ultra-high stability, realize the in-orbit application of the world's first solar space Hα imaging spectrometer, and realize the in-orbit verification of the world's first solar speed navigator.
Nanjing University is the construction unit of the Hα Solar Explorer Satellite engineering science and application system, responsible for the calibration, research and release of satellite scientific data. At present, the scientific data of Hα Solar Explorer Satellite has been open to the world and can be queried and downloaded through the Solar Science Data Center of Nanjing University.